Powerboating, Sailing and Motorboating
Own Boat Tuition
We offer personalised tuition on your own boat – whether it’s a sailing yacht, motor cruiser or smaller powerboat.
Often requested subjects include:
– New boat takeover – learning the systems
– Boathandling under power in a marina
– Coming alongside – shorthanded
– Boathandling under sail
– How to use radar and electronic nav aids
– Man overboard techniques
– Instructing new crew
We also offer RYA practical courses on your own boat with your family and friends onboard enabling the tuition to be personalised to you, your boat and any specific requirements.
We charge £275 (inc VAT) per day to teach up to 5 persons onboard.
RYA Theory Courses
SeaRegs Training run a programme of RYA Specialist Short courses throughout the year such as Radar, navigation and VHF DSC courses.
Please follow the link and scroll down past the theory course information.